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Adopting a tallgrass property for wildlife restoration

In recognition of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC) work in land conservation in Rice Lake Plains, the Gordon and Patricia Gray Animal Welfare Foundation generously donated $90,000 to NCC to purchase the LeBlanc property.

Eastern Hognosed Snakes will soon find 36 acres of protected habitat near Centreton, Ontario
The 36 acre (14 hectare) LeBlanc property is a key site in the Rice Lake Plains Natural Area. The foundation's support will directly benefit the tall grass ecosystem and help to conserve land habitat that is particularly important to grassland birds and significant species at risk.

As grassland habitats diminish, this donation will help NCC restore and enhance the historical tall grass landscape and add to a much needed grassland bird refuge in Rice Lake Plains. Grassland birds located in the natural area include Upland Sandpiper, Common Nighthawk, Eastern Meadowlark, Eastern Whip-poor-will and Bobolink. Rice Lake Plains is home to a number of rare species including 23 federal species at risk. This natural area is an important habitat for species such as the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake and Red-headed Woodpecker.

This is a substantial contribution to a healthier and greener Ontario for all species. NCC is thankful for the Gordon and Patricia Gray Animal Welfare Foundation's support and commitment to the preservation of wildlife.

January 2014